Thank you so much. To everyone who has visited this website of mine.

Seriously I can't thank you enough. Every single one of you.

We achieved it. 10 THOUSAND VIEWS!

I wanted to build a page here to thank all of you. You guys are amazing.

I think you might wanna know the Dev Team behind the site. And their stories.

The main guy. bluesnipersguy

You already know me at this point. But I wanted to give my backstory on this site of mine. I orginally made this website not for the reason you would actually think! This websites creation reason was actually to register for BlueSky if you know that social place! I didn't want to have the dumb user, but wanted something along the lines of bluesnipersguy. This website actually started out as a template like most websites do. It was mostly me who was doing a lot of the work until about V0.50 where I got some help. You'll be meeting them and their story in the next paragraph below. The font and background graphics were all done by me. Same with the styling. Although I do need to get better at Javascript. I am learning it right now! I hope to bring more content filled updates in the future! This website is a passion project of mine! Thank you for sticking around, through Alpha, Beta, and even The ARG.

Stupid Main Developer Guy,

- bluesnipersguy

The Javascript Extrodinare. TheHyperGamer1

Hello, i guess, internet explorer. You may be wondering who I am and i can understand that for right now. I am an all around type of person that casually plays games, watches youtube, and sometimes upload youtube vids. I guess you can call me a backend developer over this website now. You may call me crazy, but sometimes I have an idea or two for this website that may drive me and blue to extreme insanity, but I just love seeing this passion project get further and further every day. I wish to see and talk to most of you all though the new V1.40 update!

Crazed Idea Man

- TheHyperGamer1

10K will go away in...