Welcome to the Hall of Scrapped Content!
These are all the scrapped images and ideas we had to scrap.
Either due to being impossible to add at our skill levels or just straight up replaced with a better idea.
Graphics Section
The Volume Bar

The Volume Bar was implemented in an experimental version of V0.5, with the intention of user control of the uncontrollable music at the time, however the javascript was failing and it quickly was retried. It was meant to be reimplemented in V0.7, but it met the same result again, leaving it permenantly scrapped.
The Backgrounds

The first background, was added in V0.20, It pretty much stayed until V0.40, until it was scrapped for the transparent version.
The old Twitch Section and old Patch Log section backgrounds were scrapped, due to it being too hard to change the websites color filled with color.
The blur background was an experiment in an experimental build of V0.30, This was around the time I was decideing on the final theme of the website. I didn't want the background to overlap the colors, so I tried a blur effect on the V0.35 background, it didn't work due to the fact the background repeats by a 200px by 200px image file. Leading to it being scrapped.
The error page is the latest background to be scrapped. It was scrapped in V1.10, for the same reason as the old Twitch Section and Patch Log. This was done to readjust the brightness.
Pre Alpha Visor

Now this... This is retro. This was the original header, it was orginally composed and is used on twitter over @bluesnipersguy. This was used as a temporary header all the way from V0.10 to V0.30, until it was eventually replaced with the infamous Alpha Visor. This marked the end of the Pre-Alpha era.
To see the image in full size, click here.
Alpha Visor

This was once an image with honor. This image was added in V0.30, however made transparent in V0.40, it eventually was replaced in V0.60 with the Beta Visor image. As the website was no longer in the Alpha state.
To see the image in full size, click here.
Beta Visor

This was once an image with honor. This image was added in V0.60, during the official beta phase. It was there from versions V0.60-V0.90. It was replaced in V1.00 for the now current "Offical Visor" image. As the website was no longer in Beta. It was brought back temporarily in the 1.7 update in The Hall of Achievements.
To see the image in full size, click here.
The TV

This image was used as an experiment to see if the (now) main page TV could be transparent to show this image after completing it's animation. However the idea didn't work out, which lead to it being scrapped, just leaving the now infamous robloxtv.gif.
The Audio Control Button

This image was supposed to be used in the new Audio Controls Menu, originally there was 3 icons, Play, Pause, and Mute. We decided to combine the Play and Pause into one button, took a while but we did it. With the Play and Pause being merged, this image didnt really serve any purpose until the thought of Retro stuff was thought about for the museum and was added in V0.8ish
The Toppings

These topping were added in V1.50 in part of a testing phase of the Audio Visualizer.
Unfortunately, as much as they fit the style, they gave a funky look, so TheHyperGamer1 scrapped them and it was replace by The Visors